An Oklahoma Utility Seeks a $1,400 Consumer “Exit Fee” to Swap Gas for Electric

A fossil-fuel giant’s proposal could spark copycats, climate advocates warn.

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This story was originally published by HuffPost and is reproduced here as part of Climate Desk

Oklahoma’s biggest natural gas utility could soon charge customers who switch to electric stoves and heating systems an “exit fee” of nearly $1,400 to disconnect service, HuffPost has learned, setting a precedent that could help the industry lock millions of Americans into fossil fuel use for decades.

The proposal is part of a larger bid by Oklahoma Natural Gas to sell off debt it incurred when fuel prices skyrocketed during a historic cold snap last February. It is currently being negotiated before a judge at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The provision, which would apply only to customers who terminate service specifically to go electric, could be approved as early as December and come into force no later than June.


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