With our winner-takes-all elections consigning them to the margins or casting them as spoilers, third-party candidates are typically a political afterthought. But in the coming election, RFK Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornel West—none of whom stand a chance of becoming our next president—could play a central role in restoring Donald Trump to the White House. With the former president making his autocratic intentions for a second term clear, potential supporters of outsider candidates must decide if this is the moment to vote against the two-party system, or if it is more important to directly weigh in on Joe Biden and Trump’s high-stakes rematch. Their choices might determine not only the outcome of the election—but the fate of the country.



This is the rubber-meets-road moment: the early days in our first fundraising drive since we took a big swing and merged with CIR to bring fearless investigative reporting to the internet, radio, video, and everywhere else that people need an antidote to lies and propaganda.

Donations have started slow, and we hope that explaining, level-headedly, why your support really is everything for our reporting will make a difference. Learn more in “Less Dreading, More Doing,” or in this 2:28 video about our merger (that literally just won an award), and please pitch in if you can right now.

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This is the rubber-meets-road moment: the early days in our first fundraising drive since we took a big swing and merged with CIR to bring fearless investigative reporting to the internet, radio, video, and everywhere else that people need an antidote to lies and propaganda.

Donations have started slow, and we hope that explaining, level-headedly, why your support really is everything for our reporting will make a difference. Learn more in “Less Dreading, More Doing,” or in this 2:28 video about our merger (that literally just won an award), and please pitch in if you can right now.

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