Jamie Raskin Explains Why He Voted to Keep George Santos in Congress…For Now

A “Constitution guy” calls for due process.

George Santos

Jose Luis Magana/AP

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On Wednesday night, uber-liar George Santos faced the ultimate penalty for a member of Congress: expulsion. Several of his fellow New York Republicans, who have come to believe he’s bad news for the GOP, pushed a measure to bounce him from the House—a bill that required a two-thirds majority vote. Lucky George looked on as only 179 of his colleagues said aye and 213 voted against de-Santosfication. The vote was not a party-line affair. While most Republicans stuck with Santos, two dozen voted to kick him to curb. A whopping majority of the Democrats pushed the button to toss him, yet 31 Democrats voted against pink-slipping Santos.

One of those Democrats who declined to show Santos the door was Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a popular progressive leader. He released a statement explaining his nay vote, noting that as a “Constitution guy” he believes that even Santos—who is under federal indictment but has yet to be convicted of a crime or found in violation of House rules by an ongoing ethics investigation— deserves due process before being canned. Not too long after the vote, Raskin spoke with me to elaborate. He was sure to point out that if Santos is convicted or if the House Ethics Committee—which could soon  release a report on Santos—concludes Santos transgressed in an official manner, he will be delighted to vote for a defenestration.


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