A self-identified Republican called in to tell Rush Limbaugh he was a “brainwashed Nazi.” Here’s a juicy excerpt: “We’re not supposed to be torturing these people. This is not Nazi Germany, Red China, or North Korea.” He then added, “I hate to say it…but I think you’re a brainwashed Nazi.” This did not go over well. Limbaugh shot back with a brainwashing accusation of his own, and blamed Charles and people like him for Obama winning the election. “I didn’t vote for him,” Charles protested, “I voted for McCain. I voted Republican.” No matter. Rush signed off by saying, “Charles, Barack Obama is president of the United States today because of stupid, ignorant people who think like you do. You pose—you and your ignorance are the most expensive commodity this country has.”
Must be heard to be fully appreciated.
Again with the HuffPo, Rachel Maddow has fun with right wing videos “proving” that Obama is a satanist. Sad when the GOP becomes a pajama party of teenagers shining flashlights in their own faces and playing stuff backwards. Now Fox anchors have joined in to support a newborn Tea Party movement. These guys aren’t mad at the banks that spent all our wealth on magic beans, they’re mad at the Prez who’s fixing their mess. No wonder even David Horowitz had to tell the GOP to get a grip on itself.