Exhibit Sources

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Surgeon general on obesity: “Obesity Epidemic ‘Bigger Threat Than Terrorism,'” The Guardian, March 3, 2006

Anti-obesity “suicide bomber” campaign: Celebrity Diet Doctor

Fat military: “Too Fat to Fight: Obesity Becomes National Security Issue,” Science Blog, November 2008

Redefining obesity standards: World Health Organization; International Obesity Task Force; “Obesity Epidemic? Docs Say ‘Fat Chance,'” CBS News, March 4, 2008

International Obesity Task Force’s funding: IASO Annual Report, 2004-2005; “Obesity Task Force Linked to WHO Takes ‘Millions From Drug Firms,'” Ray Moynihan, British Medical Journal, June 17, 2006

US adopts new BMI standards: National Institute of Health

American Obesity Association: AOA sponsors list; “Obesity Calculation Method Revised,” Lauran Neergaard, Associated Press, June 1998

Sarah Hartshorne’s BMI: “This Is Why Our Perceptions About Weight Are So Distorted,” The-F-Word, October 2007

Obesity’s causes: “Obesity linked to lack of sleep,” BBC News; “The gut microbiota as an environmental factor that regulates fat storage,” Fredrik Backhed, et al., National Academy of Sciences, 2004; “Kid’s obesity linked to ear infections,” Steven Reinberg, Washington Post; “Obesity epidemics: simple or simplicistic answers?,” Franco Contaldo, et al., Clinical Nutrition, 2005; “Does my air conditioner make me fat?,” Robert D. Phillips, UAB Publications; “Programmed For Obesity: Early Exposure To Common Chemicals Can Permanently Alter Metabolic System,” www.sciencedaily.com; “Obesity is ‘socially contagious,’ study finds,” Inga Kiderra, UCSD News Center; “The impact of body weight on smoking cessation in German adults,” Dorothee Twardella, et al., German Centre for Reseach on Ageing; “The obesity epidemic in the United States—gender, age, socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and geographic characteristics: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis,” Youfa Wang and May A. Beydoun, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; “The DNA diet,” Times Online; “You Are What Your Grandma Ate,” Michael Mechanic, East Bay Express

Obese people contribute more to global warming: “Weight Gain of US Drivers Has Increased Nation’s Fuel Consumption,” Science Daily; “Transport Policy Is Food Policy,” Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts, The Lancet, 2008

Overweight passengers must buy two seats: Southwest Airlines

People who weigh more than 220 lbs. are less likely to survive crash: Crash Injury Reseach and Engineering Network

West Virginia schools use Dance Dance Revolution for fitness: “WV Games for Health,” West Virginia University

Obesity report cards: Pennsylvania’s Growth Screening Program; Tennessee’s House Bill No. 194; Delaware’s 2008 Budget; Childhood Obesity Action Network on South Carolina; “As Obesity Fight Hits Cafeteria, Many Fear a Note From School,” Jodi Kantor, New York Times, July 1, 2008

Pizza and churros for breakfast: Southern Tioga School District’s menu

Banned foods don’t include fries, candy bars, and cookies: USDA’s Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; “The School Cafeteria, on a Diet,” Andrew Martin, New York Times, September 5, 2007

Cookie Monster’s song: “Cookie Monster: ‘Me Eat Less Cookies,'” Chelsea J. Carter, USA Today, April 7, 2005

Boy survives on jam sandwiches: “The Jam Sandwich Diet,” BBC News, February 28, 2005

Brideorexia: “Bridezillas on a Diet,” New York Times, January 25, 2008

Alli advisory: “What Are Treatment Effects?” Alli website

Low fat snacks: Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, Brian Wansink, New York: Bantam, 2006

T.G.I. Friday’s: ““Putting Portions in Perspective,New York Times, March 24, 2007; T.G.I. Friday’s

People eat more from secretly refilled bowls: Mindless eating: Why we eat more than we think, Brian Wansink, New York: Bantam, 2006

Fork forces people to scoop less: Diet Fork website

“Diet glasses” make food look less appealing: “Johnny Depp May Owe His Slim Physique to Blue Tinted Diet Eyeglasses,” Calorielab.com

Masai Barefoot Technology: “No Time for the Gym? Consider the Convenience of Cellulite-Burning Technology,” DocShop.com, November 2007; “MBT Women’s M Walk,” Masai Barefoot Technology website, October 2008

Less weight boosts net worth: “Health and Wealth, the Late-20th Century Obesity Epidemic in the US,” Jay L. Zagorsky, Center for Human Resource Research, Ohio State University

Christian weight loss: More of Jesus, Less of Me, Joan Cavanaugh and Pat Forseth, 1976; What Would Jesus Eat? The Ultimate Program for Eating Well, Feeling Great, and Living Longer, Don Colbert, 2002

Islamic prayer burns calories: “Bioenergetics of Islamic Prayers,” Jasem M. Ramadan, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 39, May 2007

ChastitySF: “Weight loss through faith and prayer,” ChastitySF.com, October 20, 2008

Liquids account for 22% of daily calories: “Dieting Is More Than What You Eat,” MSNBC, January 8, 2007

Big Mac’s calories surprise New Yorkers: “2000 Is Really Enough,New York Times, October 19, 2008

Burger King commercial: “Will Diners Still Swallow This?New York Times, March 25, 2007

Mississippi’s weight-loss legislation: “New Proposal by Miss. Lawmakers to Ban Serving Obese Has Fat Chance of Passing,” Fox News, March 19, 2008

Obese people respond to discrimination by eating more: “Confronting and Coping With Weight Stigma: An Investigation of Overweight and Obese Adults,” Obesity, October 2006

Active obese people are less likely to die: “Being Fat and Healthy Is Better Than Being Thin and Sedentary, Study Says,Boston Globe, December 5, 2007; “Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Composition, and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Men,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999; “The Relation of Body Mass Index, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and All-Cause Mortality in Women,” Obesity Research, June 2002

Playboy: “Playboy Playmate Curves: Changes in Facial and Body Feature
Preferences Across Social and Economic Conditions,” Terry F. Pettijohn and
Brian J. Jungeberg, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
November 9, 2004

Campbell’s Soup stocks: “Truth: Campbell’s Soup Sole S&P 500 Gainer Today,” TKBB Blog; “Stock Found in a Pot Is Only One to Heat Up,” Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2008


Fabuless: DSM Nutritional Products

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Journal of Nutrition; Circulation; Environmental Nutrition

Nutraproteomics: IFT Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods Division e-newsletter, October 22, 2008; “Your diet tailored to your genes: Preventing diseases or misleading marketing?” GeneWatch UK, 2006; Genelex website

Soybean Hulls: “Soybean Hulls to Cut Fat Intake From Doughnuts,” Food Navigator website, November 10, 2008

Rebina: “Stevia Fact Sheet,” Cargill website, October 2008


Weight Watchers: “Bosses Hire Weight Watchers to Help Staff Lighten the Load and Classes Will be at Lunchtime,” Times of London, September 3, 2008

The Drinking Man’s Diet: “The Drinking Man’s Diet,” Forbes, April 21, 2004

Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution: Low Carb Comparisons website

Slim-Fast: Unilever website

The Last Chance Diet: The Last Chance Diet: When Everything Else Has Failed, Robert Linn, 1977; CarbSmart website; The Oprah Phenomenon, Jennifer Harris and Elwood Watson, 2007

Herman Tarnower: “Jean Harris,” Biography Channel

Beverly Hills Diet: The New Beverly Hills Diet, Judy Mazel and Michael Wyatt, 1996

Oprah: “Oprah’s Weight: Highs and Lows,” US Magazine, June 16, 2008; “Belly Laughs at Early Fad Diets,” ABC News, January 10, 2005

Oprah hits 237: “Oprah Buff,” People, September 9, 1996

New Diet Revolution: Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, 2001

Olestra: Proctor & Gamble; “The Problems With Olestra,” Center for Science in the Public Interest

Huckabee: “The Governor Is a Happy Loser,” Washington Post, August 10, 2004

$42 billion: “What 10 Diet Plans Cost,” Forbes, April 12, 2005

Bill Clinton: “South Beach Celebrity Diet“; “Bill Clinton Following ‘South Beach Diet,'” USA Today, January 14, 2004

Low carb diets: “Americans Look for Health on the Menu,” HealthLink website; “Krispy Kreme Fails to Make Profit,” BBC News, May 25, 2005; Gorran v. Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.

Atkins declares bankruptcy: “Atkins Nutritionals Files for Bankruptcy,” MSNBC, August 1, 2005

Diet industry reaches $58 billion: “The Diet & Weight Loss Industry in 2008

Eminem: “Phat 2 Fat: Eminem Eyes Slim-Fast Shady Gig,” New York Post, January 20, 2008


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