Before we get to our regular set of COVID-19 charts, here’s a look at worldwide deaths:

I don’t know how accurate the worldwide data is, but it’s an understatement if anything. We are already well above the April peak and still skyrocketing upward.
In the US, we recorded over 1,400 deaths on Tuesday, one of our highest totals ever—and given our case counts and hospitalization rates there’s every reason to think this is going to keep going up for quite a while. There’s probably not a lot we can do about this now—it’s already baked in—but we could certainly reduce our future death rate by simply wearing masks everywhere at all times. Unfortunately, our current president will have none of it. He’s too busy with the important business of trying to convince his followers that the election was stolen from them.
Here’s the coronavirus death toll through November 10. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.