How can I subscribe?
When can I expect my first issue?
How can I sign up for Mother Jones‘ email newsletters?
I received an invoice, but I’ve already paid my bill.
I renewed my subscription but just received another renewal notice.
When does my subscription expire?
How do I change my address on my subscription or donation accounts?
How do I change my email address for newsletters?
What is the Auto-renewal/Evergreen program?
How can I purchase a back issue of Mother Jones?
How can I re-use or license Mother Jones articles and content?
Where can I find Mother Jones on the newsstand?
What is Mother Jones‘ privacy policy?
How many issues does Mother Jones publish each year?
What is Mother Jones‘ cancelation policy? How do I cancel my subscription?
I still have questions. How can I get help?
How can I subscribe?
You can learn more about subscription options on our subscriptions page. (top)
When can I expect my first issue?
Your first issue should arrive within six to eight weeks from the day you place your order. (top)
How can I sign up for Mother Jones‘ email newsletters?
Check out our newsletters page for more details. (top)
I received an invoice, but I’ve already paid my bill.
Please disregard the invoice. It probably crossed in the mail with your payment. If you continue to receive invoices for the same subscription, please call us at (800) 438-6656, or email us at Please include your name and account number (the number below your address on the invoice that follows the letters MJMD). (top)
I renewed my subscription but just received another renewal notice.
Please disregard the notice. It probably crossed in the mail with your renewal. If you continue to receive notices for the same subscription, please call us at (800) 438-6656, or email us at Please include your name and account number (the number below your address on the notice that follows the letters MJMD). (top)
When does my subscription expire?
If you receive the print edition of the magazine, your last issue before your subscription expires is noted on your address label to the right of your name. You can also email us. (top)
How do I change my address on my subscription or donation accounts?
Online: Log-in using a combination of your account number, email address, and/or postal address to change the delivery address of your existing subscription.
Via telephone: (800) 438-6656. Please provide both your old and new addresses and your account number, if you know it. If you need to leave a message for us, please include your phone number so we can easily contact you with any questions.
How do I change my email address for my newsletters?
To change the address for your newsletters, please contact Please include both your old and new email addresses. (top)
What is the Autorenewal/Evergreen program?
When you ordered your subscription online, you opted into our Evergreen autorenewal program. Automatic renewals help nonprofit Mother Jones and the environment by saving the paper and postage that would be used for a conventional series of renewal notices. And we pass the savings on to you, giving you a discounted renewal rate of just $18 per year—57 percent off the newsstand price! (There is additional postage for print-subscription deliveries outside the United States: $10 per year in Canada and $12 per year in other countries.) With automatic renewal, you’ll get uninterrupted service, and you won’t have multiple renewal notices cluttering your mailbox. You’ll receive a renewal reminder once a year. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll simply charge your credit card or bill you for the new subscription term.
If you wish to be removed from the autorenewal program or need to provide us with updated credit card information, please contact us. (top)
How can I purchase a back issue of Mother Jones?
We’ve made it easy! Archived issues dating back to 1976 are listed for purchase in our online store or by calling 800-438-MOJO (800-438-6656). Single copies are $10 each, and shipping is available to the United States and Canada only. Special prices are available for bulk orders by inquiring at (top)
How can I re-use or license Mother Jones articles and content?
Visit our rights and permissions page for guidelines and instructions for licensing, excerpts, and syndication, and for details on how to contact us for permission. (top)
Where can I find Mother Jones on the newsstand?
Mother Jones is sold in many independent and chain bookstores, including Barnes & Noble, and at airport newsstands in the United States and Canada. We’re also sold in specialty stores internationally. If your favorite bookseller wishes to carry Mother Jones, please encourage the seller’s representative to contact us at to let us know the specifics. (top)
What is Mother Jones‘ privacy policy?
You can find our privacy policy here. (top)
How many issues does Mother Jones publish each year?
We publish six bimonthly issues a year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December. (top)
What is the cancelation policy? How can I cancel my subscription?
You may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a full refund for any issues remaining on your subscription. Refunds are issued at the end of the month in which you cancel. To cancel your subscription, please call (800) 438-6656, or email us at If emailing, please include your full name and address and, if you have it, your subscription account number. (top)
I still have questions. How can I get help?
Contact us by email, phone, or regular mail. We’ll figure out how to help you.
Phone: 800-GET-MOJO (800-438-6656)
Mother Jones
PO Box 8539
Big Sandy, TX 75755
When you contact us, please be sure to include a detailed description of your problem as well as your full name, mailing address, and telephone number. If you know your account number, please include that, too. (top)