Mother Jones sees powerful, smart illustration as an essential part of serious journalism. Artists who have appeared in Mother Jones include Noma Bar, Barry Blitt, Steve Brodner, Kelsey Dake, Tomer Hanuka, Zohar Lazar, Mike McQuaid, Tim O’Brien, Edel Rodriguez, Yuko Shimizu, and Ralph Steadman. Work from our pages has appeared in top illustration showcases from American Illustration to Juxtapoz. If this is where you’re headed, we’d like to hear from you.
It’s best to give us a URL for a portfolio website. Or you can mail non-returnable samples to:
Adam Vieyra
Creative Director
Mother Jones
P.O. Box 584
San Francisco, CA 94104-0584
Please do not submit original artwork or any samples that will need to be returned. Mother Jones cannot be responsible for the return or loss of unsolicited artwork.