• Is Anyone Really Listening to E. Jean Carroll?

    Mother Jones; Luiz C. Ribeiro/NY Daily News/Getty

    Update, May 9: On Tuesday, a federal jury found Donald Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation in E. Jean Carroll’s civil lawsuit. The former president has been ordered to pay Carroll $5 million.

    Is Donald Trump a rapist?

    The question is at the center of E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit against the former president, in which the writer and former advice columnist accuses him of sexual assault and defamation. Carroll, who in 2019 came forward with allegations that Trump attacked her inside a dressing room in the 1990s, is seeking unspecified damages. 

    But is anyone actually paying attention? I can’t help but feel as though the concrete things said and done in the courtroom have failed to truly puncture the public consciousness.

    It makes sense, on some level. Though Carroll’s allegations are the most serious among the sexual assault claims that have been made against Trump, the public has endured years of similar stories pointing to his endless misdeeds—even these specific misdeeds. Still, I’ve still been taken aback by what has felt like a collective apathy toward the catastrophic description of a woman’s trauma. 

    It’s true that news outlets, including this magazine, have reported on the trial with dutiful rigor. But within the public discourse, there’s been far less chatter as the drama continues to unfold—as Carroll, deftly and movingly, testifies. Measure public awareness of E. Jean Carroll v. Donald Trump against the obsessive coverage of Trump’s four-mile hike downtown to get arrested last month, and sexual assault charges against the former president finally getting a day in court, feels strangely small. Put it up against the impeachment proceedings, and there’s no contest. Perhaps it’s because this isn’t a criminal trial; Trump, no matter the verdict, will not be a convicted rapist nor will he face real punishment beyond a potential monetary one. 

    Still, to pass over Carroll’s poignant testimony, along with Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina’s snarling cross-examination tactics, would be to miss several critical indictments far beyond the matter of Trump’s guilt.  Here’s one telling snapshot, from my colleague Russ Choma, in which Carroll pushes back against Tacopina as he browbeats her:

    When Tacopina tried to challenge Carroll about why she did not scream when Trump was allegedly raping her violently, Carroll ultimately delivered a strong rebuke.

    “I’m not a screamer, I was in too much of a panic, I was fighting,” she responded to his initial query.

    Tacopina pressed further—and Carroll pushed back. “You can’t beat up on me for not screaming,” she said, firmly.

    “I’m not beating you up!” Tacopina said, appearing flustered.

    “Women who don’t come forward—one of the reasons they don’t come forward is because they all get asked, ‘Why didn’t you scream?’” Carroll said, her voice rising. “Some women scream, some women don’t. It keeps them silent.”

    “You’d better have a good excuse as to why you didn’t scream; if you don’t scream, you weren’t raped,” Carroll continued, mocking his line of questioning. “I’m telling you, he raped me, whether I screamed or not!”

    At this point, Carroll began to cry.

    Tacopina asked whether she needed a moment. “No, you go on,” she said icily. “I don’t need an excuse for not screaming.”

    Such scenes, alternatingly maddening and captivating, feel ripped from a bygone era. Tacopina’s questions are shining examples of what not to ask a rape victim. That they are taking place in a high-profile civil suit only five years after #MeToo erupted into a global movement is perhaps the clearest evidence that accounts of sexual assault still are not taken seriously.

    That Carroll’s time on the stand hasn’t reached every inch of the public discourse reveals how we treat trauma when it fails to be about punishment. It has not enticed a weary audience that has become convinced that stories of Trump’s hideous behavior, relentless and overwhelming, don’t matter. Maybe they’re even boring now. It seems there is only one question people seem to care about: Is Trump finally going to jail? 

    In the case of Carroll’s trial, countless factors could have contributed to such nihilism. For one, there’s her age. At 79, she is long past the point when women say they begin to feel invisible and overlooked. (In a cruel twist, Carroll’s age, according to her skeptics, underscores how much time has passed since her alleged encounter with Trump, and is therefore suspicious.)

    And then there’s the lack of video or audio recordings from inside the courtroom, denying Carroll’s remarks the fuel to hit social media virality, which has become an unfortunate barometer of newsworthiness. So, we’re left to read in order to keep abreast of the trial, and reading Carroll’s description of profound suffering is no easy task; it’s somewhat understandable why one would skip over such difficult material. But then, what is lost when we fail to pay attention to those who are willing to come forward? The question is all the more urgent when allegations relate to Donald Trump, a man who, thus far, has escaped accountability for endless sins.

    “I regretted it about 100 times,” Carroll said on Wednesday when asked about her decision to go public, “but in the end being able to get my day in court…I’m crying, but I got to tell my story in court.” Carroll testified in another moment: “His hand, his finger went into my vagina, which was extremely painful. It was a horrible feeling. He put his hand inside me and curved his finger. As I sit here today, I can still feel it. Then he inserted his penis.”

    Imagine that those words emerged not today but in October 2016. Would they have carried the same electoral threat that the Access Hollywood tape did? There’s a reason Carroll’s lawyers fought to play the recording as evidence for jurors. But nearly seven years after unabating scandals and now a likely Biden-Trump rematch, it’s somewhat incredible to recall how much “grab them by the pussy” once shocked us. Trump and his henchmen no longer surprise us. But why aren’t we horrified?

  • I Don’t Think Someone “Ranting” on the Subway Means They Deserved to Die

    Paul Martinka/AP

    On Tuesday, a man boarded an uptown F train in Manhattan and started yelling.

    “He started screaming in an aggressive manner,” a witness told the New York Post. “He said he had no food, he had no drink, that he was tired and doesn’t care if he goes to jail.”

    That sounds to me like someone who needs help. A reasonable response to such a passenger might be to alert the conductor, or switch train cars, or simply look down at your phone and do nothing. Instead, a 24-year-old subway rider placed the man, identified as Jordan Neely, in a chokehold and held him there until he died.

    Police questioned the unidentified 24-year-old but have not charged him with a crime.

    A witness who recorded a video of the incident told the New York Times that Neely had not assaulted anyone. But that hasn’t stopped the Post from employing rhetorical gymnastics to suggest that Neely’s death is his own fault. The Post paints the 24-year-old as a hero, proclaiming, “Dramatic new video shows a straphanger taking matters into his own hands, pinning down an unhinged man in a deadly incident.” The key word, “deadly,” is tacked onto the sentence as an afterthought. The article refers to Neely as a “vagrant,” while his attacker is merely a “straphanger.” (The Post has long used the term as a way to describe the innocent subway rider harmed by a stranger.)

    The New York Times’ coverage is only slightly better. While the Times avoids words like “vagrant” and “unhinged,” it plays up fears of increased crime rates on the subway and suggests that an upped police presence—rather than a rise in ridership after the height of the pandemic—is responsible for bringing crime back down.

    It’s easy to blame Neely for causing a scene, and even easier to blame his attacker for placing him in the chokehold that apparently led to his death. But pointing out Neely’s lengthy arrest record, for example, is not the flex that the New York Daily News might think it is. New York’s mental health and criminal justice systems clearly failed Neely, who once made a living as a Michael Jackson impersonator and who testified in the murder trial of the man who killed his mother. And our culture failed the attacker, too, by creating the notion that unarmed homeless people—especially those who are mentally ill and Black—are inherently dangerous.

    After 30 years of life, Neely will forever be reduced to an aggressive, “unhinged vagrant” in the eyes of Post readers. He deserved better from everyone.

  • Rep. Zooey Zephyr Sues Over Removal From Montana State House Floor

    State Rep. Zooey Zephyr sits in a hallway outside the main chamber of the House, from which she has been barred for the rest of the session.Brittany Peterson/AP

    Last week, the Republican-controlled Montana House of Representatives voted to bar Democratic Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the state’s first transgender woman lawmaker, from the floor for the rest of the session. Her offense? Telling GOP lawmakers that they had “blood on their hands” for supporting a bill banning gender-affirming care for minors.

    Zephyr’s expulsion from the floor is the latest example of a Republican-run state legislature wielding its supermajority to silence democratically elected lawmakers under the guise of “decorum.”

    Montana Republicans say that Zephyr isn’t being exiled, because she will still be able to vote remotely. But the American Civil Liberties Union disagrees—and is helping Zephyr sue.

    The lawsuit aims to allow Zephyr to return to the House floor, arguing that the House leadership has denied Zephyr’s constituents their right to representation in state government.

    “The effort by House leadership to silence me and my constituents is a disturbing and terrifying affront to democracy itself,” Zephyr said in a statement. “The Montana State House is the people’s House, not Speaker Regier’s, and I’m determined to defend the right of the people to have their voices heard.”

  • Tucker Carlson Finally Broke His Silence. And It’s the Same Old Bullshit.

    Fox News/Mother Jones Illustration

    On Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson broke his silence on his surprise firing from Fox News.

    After saying he’d taken a moment to step back, Carlson lamented that both political parties had cohered around a set ideology endorsed by cable news. But now, after his dismissal, he foretold an end. “This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue,” Carlson said in a video he posted on Twitter. “The people in charge know this. That’s why they’re hysterical and aggressive…but it won’t work when honest people say what’s true.”

    That is funny to hear because I’ve spent the last few days poring over hours of Tucker Carlson videos from the archives, listening to what he has previously considered “true.” And, as you can see in five very clear chapters of footage, his truth has often involved promoting Nazi conspiracy theories; broadcasting racist and self-serving propaganda; spewing hate about trans people and children; and pushing the Big Lie. (You can read more about that last part here from our DC Bureau Chief David Corn.)

    It’s unclear what will happen next for Carlson. On Monday, when Fox News announced they would be parting ways with the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight—one of cable’s most popular programs—the reasons were unclear. Rumors swirled as speculation about the split began. One theory focused on the legal trouble: Fox News had settled to pay Dominion Voting Systems over $785 million in their defamation trial against the news network following their network-wide promotion of Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. One of the most popular perpetrators of promoting those pretenses was, of course, Tucker. Had he been ousted for hurting the bottom line? Or was it the content of his text messages, many redacted, that pushed Fox to act?

    Tucker’s announcement implied he would continue broadcasting in some form. “The undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change,” Carlson said in his Wednesday night rejoinder, in what looks like the studio he built in Maine, which residents voted to approve. “When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?”

    And on that I can agree: There’s not much “legitimate debate” here at all.

  • House Republicans Are Playing Debt-Ceiling Russian Roulette

    House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks with reporters about the Republican debt-ceiling plan.Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/ZUMA

    Are House Republicans, if you’ll pardon the expression, peeing in their own Jacuzzi?

    I raise this question because some of the spending cuts the House GOP and its quasi-leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, are demanding in exchange for raising the debt ceiling—a deal the Democrats have vowed to reject—are destined to hit Republican-led states hardest.

    That’s likely true of the social programs such as food stamps that GOP members aim to further restrict. But it’s definitely the case for the host of clean-energy incentives (see page 2) of the Inflation Reduction Act Republicans just put on the chopping block. These federal perks have been flowing in spades to red states, notably Georgia, as Oliver Milman, a reporter for our Climate Desk partner the Guardian, pointed out in February. 

    “Once known for its peaches and peanuts,” Milman wrote, Georgia “is rapidly becoming a crucible of US clean energy technology,” drawing billions in new solar, electric vehicle, and battery manufacturing subsidies, putting it at “the forefront of a swathe of southern states that are becoming a so-called ‘battery belt’ in the economic transition away from fossil fuels.”

    Jack Conness, a transportation analyst at the University of Washington, helpfully put together a wonderful database depicting the jackpot that the IRA and the Chips and Science Act (CHIPS) represent for Republican-led local economies.

    By his tally, Tennessee, Nevada, North Carolina, and Oklahoma have attracted more than $4 billion apiece in IRA investments to date. Ohio has brought in more than $6 billion, Arizona more than $7 billion, South Carolina more than $9 billion, and Georgia more than $13 billion. (Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky, in thrall to the coal industry and dead last in national wind and solar development, has barely taken advantage.) Conness’ database includes a map with locations of the announced IRA investments.


    For the winners, these federal investments are reviving manufacturing and creating scads of good jobs—Arizona, the Carolinas, Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma, and the perennially purple states of Nevada and Michigan project thousands each. Nationwide, by Conness’ count, IRA and CHIPS have resulted in $213 billion in investment to date—and almost 76,000 new jobs.     

    House Republicans could—and should—be out there bragging about their economic revivals. Instead, they decided to lock themselves in a room with a bunch of bitter men and women, trying to figure out how best to shoot themselves and their constituents in the foot over a bill that is destined to go nowhere and might even lead to a economic crisis that hurts all Americans. It’s a bill that, much like this entire debt-ceiling circus, has been a colossal waste of America’s time when what we really need to do is electrify everything—fast.

    But hey, at least they’re owning the libs.

  • Peter Thiel Says Republicans Are Too Focused on Culture War. He Can Blame His Handpicked Candidates.

    2022 Arizona Senate Candidate and Peter Thiel protege Blake Masters. Brandon Bell/Getty

    This morning, Reuters reported that Peter Thiel plans to take a step back from politics in 2024 and will not “fund candidates.” The article cited several of the Silicon Valley billionaire’s close associates anonymously saying that in late 2022 Thiel came to believe that “Republicans are making a mistake in focusing on cultural flashpoints.”

    This is a bit baffling. In 2022, Thiel’s handpicked candidates—who also happened to be his former employees—famously combined those “cultural flashpoints” with a protectionist economic message to run on a distinct strain of right-wing populism. Chief among them was Blake Masters, who made a failed attempt at Senate in Arizona. As my colleague Noah Lanard reported, Masters was explicit about the “cultural flashpoints”:

    [Masters] called abortion “demonic.” He tweeted that “not everything has to be gay” after a bisexual Superman was announced. He plugged the Unabomber’s manifesto. More half-heartedly, he claimed Trump won the 2020 election.

    The Reuters article should be taken with a heavy grain of salt. We have anonymous sources saying a donor—always fickle—won’t invest in candidates in 2024. But this is still a bit hard to understand. The person who donated to Blake Masters thinks the party needs to stop talking about culture war?

    The 2022 midterms saw Thiel making the biggest political bets of his life thus far. He was the ninth largest political donor of the election cycle, according to Open Secrets. His donations to J.D. Vance in Ohio and Masters were among the largest individual contributions of last year.

    It seemed part of a larger movement and evolution. Thiel started as a Libertarian. He publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with democracy and sought to escape politics and government. He was the type to back longshot libertarian Ron Paul’s campaign in the Republican Presidential primary in 2012. But things changed in 2016.

    Thiel bucked Silicon Valley’s center-left political norms and enthusiastically endorsed Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Since the rise of Trump, there has been an effort on the right to reverse engineer a coherent political ideology that can outlast his specific personality cult. This has usually been labeled “National Conservatism.” And Thiel’s money has been central to it.

    NatCons, as they’re known, seek to revive American industrial policy and remake the Republican Party into the true home for working people. They combine this with more restrictive immigration policies and “pro-family” social conservatism. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, elected in 2018 with backing from Thiel, embodies this nascent movement.

    In 2022, a lot of Thiel’s money was focused on candidates who fit this mold: Vance and Masters. But maybe it is his return on his investment (the report says it was “late” in 2022 that he decided to, for now, stop funding) that gave Thiel pause. Both the candidates he backed hardest underperformed expectations. Masters lost to Mark Kelly by five points. He finished dead last among Arizona statewide candidates—including people like Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem, a member of the Oathkeeper militia. In Ohio, Vance was victorious over his Democratic opponent Tim Ryan, but Republican Governor Mike DeWine outperformed Vance by double digits. It was a closer race than many prognosticated. 

    Perhaps Thiel is saying he is done giving money to candidates for a culture war because he already did. It wasn’t exactly a high-yield bet.

  • Joe Manchin Threatens to Repeal the Legislation He Famously Negotiated

    Senator Joe Manchin speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill.Francis Chung/Politico/AP

    In an interview yesterday with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) threatened to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), President Joe Biden’s signature piece of legislation from his first term—the bill that Manchin himself was instrumental in negotiating.

    In Manchin’s telling, Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) broke a promise to him, and the American people, that the IRA was about “energy security.” Now, to the senator from West Virginia’s objection, the IRA has become solely about the “environment.” 

    “We have the gas. We have the oil. We have the coal,” Manchin insisted as he pushed for the United States to produce more fossil fuels. “We can do it better and cleaner than anywhere in the world.”

    Neither Hannity—who introduced Manchin’s appearance by saying “[Biden] went along with the climate alarmist cult”—nor Manchin mentioned the Willow Project, a massive arctic drilling project that Biden approved in Alaska.

    They somehow also did not discuss that the bill was extremely far away from the ambitious Build Back Better that Biden initially hoped to push through. The IRA was rightfully hailed as the most significant piece of climate policy passed in the country’s history, putting $370 billion into the clean energy transition. But it is hardly a leftist pipedream—in no small part because of Manchin.

    In December 2021, after months of negotiations on Build Back Better, Manchin announced he would oppose it. Then in July—after negotiating for a watered-down version of the bill—Manchin pulled out yet again. Pundits declared the death of Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. Ten days after nuking the legislation, Manchin agreed to support what we now call the Inflation Reduction Act. So, in this interview: Manchin is objecting to a bill that he spearheaded after watering down (many times) a previous version of the legislation.

    The specific fight this time is over tax credits. Manchin says his concern is that allowing electric vehicle makers to source materials from China furthers security concerns—and that the IRA’s requirements on supply chains must be followed, as E&E News reported

    But why, you might ask, is he doing a big interview on Fox News over tax credits and supply chains? Some have speculated that he fears losing his seat to West Virginia Republican Governor Jim Justice, who is anticipated to announce a run for Manchin’s seat in the coming days, and so he is moving to the right.

    I’d argue that Manchin’s strength is not moving to the right as much as making a big show of slightly changing his position. Saying he’d do something drastic, like repeal the IRA, makes the (more turgid) fight over tax credits seem like a testament to his centrist bonafide, instead of a pretty basic policy fight. In general, being the Democrat who will waffle in a 51-49 Senate ensures that Manchin has more gravity than most politicians in the country.

    In fact, there would usually be nothing newsworthy about a senator who has big oil donors from West Virginia telling Sean Hannity that the country needs to drill for more oil. The only difference is that Manchin, continually, says he’d blow everything up to make sure we’re always watching and seeing he is not a leftist. He votes for the IRA; he says he’ll repeal it. In the end, all eyes are on him—and he knows that gives him power.

  • Eric Adams Wants to Destroy the Only Thing Holding My Weekends Together

    Michael Noble Jr./AP

    Reams upon reams have been written on the enormous value of the public library, the rare public institution beloved across all demographics, from toddlers to retirees, from the working class to the well-heeled. But in the face of Eric Adams’ proposed cuts of more than $33 million in the next two years, a budget that could close weekend library service throughout New York City while boosting the coffers of the New York Police Department, I can’t help but panic for one specific group: young parents desperate for free, accessible community resources in a country sorely lacking them. 

    My silent screaming, the latest in regard to Adams’ disastrous policy proposals, is rooted in the personal. As a relatively new mother, I can almost smell the very specific anxiety that creeps in around 9 a.m. on a Saturday, already three hours into keeping a child fed, entertained, and alive, over how else to run the clock until bedtime arrives. Playgrounds are weather dependent and therefore unreliable. So too, are other families with young children, who like mine, are relentless virus magnets upending work schedules, vacations, any semblance of a plan. You could shell out $20 and drive to the nearest playspace. But if you don’t book in advance, the popular one near us frequently sells out. And not everyone can afford that price of entry, especially if you have multiple kids. Staying put at home seems like a good bet until it most certainly reveals itself to be the exact opposite: The seams are fraying. You and the child must escape. 

    What other physical space offers a designated safe spot for children, a judgment-free zone for exhausted parents in search of similar refuge, where wall-to-wall carpeting feels like instant relief? Name another place where communities genuinely gather and come away feeling life-affirmed and believing in our systems, even if momentarily. A place where you’re reacquainted with the same stories you adored as a kid, that helped your own parents survive similar days. Library hours are set, and therefore reliable unlike nearly everything else in modern parenting. It promotes quiet but not to the point of scolding. Perhaps most importantly for parents, you don’t need to sign up in advance or require an invitation. You can simply go to your local library. It is, by virtue, vibrant. 

    For kids, it’s likely one of the very first encounters with a public good, where glimpses of boundless knowledge and possibility are first witnessed. For young parents, the public library is a new gift every Saturday. Like you’ve struck gold when all you actually did was pay your taxes. The public library is a treasure that stands in radical opposition to a society that has privatized and monetized nearly every inch of childcare. What Adams seeks to cut, one of the few dependable resources that keep countless families afloat, should offend us all deeply. 

  • The GOP’s AI-Generated Biden Attack Ad Really Is a Warning About the Future


    Today President Biden announced his reelection bid. In response, the GOP announced its further descent into the uncanny valley, with a big assist from artificial intelligence.

    Presumably designed as a rebuke of Biden’s own relatively somber campaign video, the Republican offering—titled “Beat Biden”—foretells the dystopian future heralded by the incumbent’s imagined second win. It’s an all-but-unlivable hellscape of war, financial ruin, and crime. And it’s all, according to the YouTube description, rendered by artificial intelligence tools. Axios reports that “this is the first time the RNC has produced a video that is 100% AI, according to a spokesperson.”

    The video itself offers a clarification baked into a watermark in the top left corner: “Built entirely with AI imagery.”

    So not 100 percent. There’s music, bits of voice-over, and a ton of post-production effects (jitters and other “camera” movements, vignetting, animation, color-grading, sound effects, light flares, and more) happening in this video. But nonetheless, the production does appear to rely only on startlingly good AI imagery—replacing what would normally be general stock “b-roll,” the footage typically licensed from vast libraries to fill videos (and ads, and even works of our own MoJo journalism). One such AI image generator, Midjourney, rolled out its new model (version 5) in March, and it is capable of producing astonishingly realistic images, with a few stubborn “tells”: Despite some serious improvements, human hands are still a bit weird; extra limbs appear where they shouldn’t; and most prominently, words are rendered unreadable gobbledegook. You’ll recall the rash of stories about the fake Trump arrest photographs.

    The producers behind the GOP video have done a good job concealing the AI-ness of the images, by digitally degrading the pictures to make them look more like video. When Taipei is bombed 10 seconds in, lens effects have been added to make it look like the image has been ripped from a witness’ social media account. But mysteriously, the city’s famous Taipei 101 tower sticks up at a dangerously titled angle compared to the rest of the skyline. Is it meant to be an impossibly wide-angle lens? Unclear.

    AI’s Leaning Tower of Taipei.


    At 15 seconds, the AI imagines people presumably queuing to get their money out of a collapsed regional bank. Their faces are strange and potato-y. They are all white and old. The day appears to be both unusually sunny and very cold: They are bundled up, but there are simply too many people wearing sunglasses. My colleague reminds me that if you live in Denver, this is a common phenomenon. But look closer: The yellow cordon appears to pass straight through a woman’s purse.

    Fox News viewers queuing up to see what Tucker does next?

    At 24 seconds, another classic AI tell: The words on the shop signs don’t make any sense.

    No need to get your eyes checked. AI renders words illegible.

    I know I was meant to be scared when I saw the tattooed, smoking “criminal” at 26 seconds—but AI imagines this sinewing young man as very handsome and cool, despite his “MS 13” forehead ink. In my experience playing with Midjourney, this is also a common feature. It defaults to beauty norms when creating human faces.

    Smooth criminal

    Finally, what’s meant to be the clinching image of a distressed Biden behind the Resolute Desk contains a humorous flaw: He’s not actually leaning on the desk. Biden’s elbow is finding support, somehow, mid-air. Yet another sign of his future presidential failings?

    Definitely how a human sits.

    I will let others muse at length about the corroding impact of AI on elections and democracy at large. But let this summary act as a simple guide for the coming deluge. Study the images more closely: The magic tricks of video editing will obscure the most commonplace AI signatures, at least for now. And videos won’t always come with watermarks declaring themselves as robot-generated.

    As for the actual content of the ad, well, Republicans have never needed generative AI to help crank out human-crafted MS-13 ads, dripping in racism.

  • It’s Official. Biden Is Running Again.

    Mother Jones illustration; Susan Walsh/AP

    It’s official. President Joe Biden is running for reelection. In a video released on Tuesday morning, Biden announced he was running to “stand up for democracy,” echoing a similar theme to his first campaign.

    The announcement, anticipated for months now, follows many of the same debates that animated the lead-up to his 2020 run. Is the 80-year-old Democrat, the oldest president in US history, too old for this? Do Americans have the appetite for another potential rematch between Biden and potential Republican nominee Donald Trump? So far, polls have pointed to a familiar uneasiness. A recent one showed nearly half of all Democrats don’t want him to run for reelection but struggled to name another viable candidate. Meanwhile, many have once again expressed concern over how Biden would perform on the campaign trail.  

    “While Biden was able to campaign virtually in 2020, in 2024 we will almost certainly be back to a grueling real-world campaign schedule, which he would have to power through while running the country,” Michelle Goldberg wrote in a February New York Times op-ed. “It’s a herculean task for a 60-year-old and a near impossible one for an octogenarian.” 

    While much of the discourse reignites old debates, the obvious difference from 2020 is the Biden team’s ability to point to what’s been achieved since taking office. At the top of the list is Biden’s successful passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the landmark infrastructure bill aimed at improving American health care and fighting climate change. Though the IRA marked the largest-ever effort to combat the climate crisis in the US, Biden’s record on the issue is more mixed, particularly after last month’s approval of a massive oil drilling project in Alaska that’s expected to pump 600 million barrels of oil over the course of a few decades. Biden’s self-proclaimed goal of becoming the “most pro-union president” is dicey after he urged Congress to end the threat of a strike by the country’s rail workers fighting for paid sick leave and improvements to a notoriously unpredictable work schedule.

    This time around, Biden will likely face questions surrounding the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, those classified documents discovered in his garage, and Hunter’s ongoing messes. But one thing’s for sure, we’re all but certain to keep hearing the word octogenarian.

  • Biden’s EPA to Propose Unprecedented Limits on Carbon Emissions From Power Plants

    Charlie Riedel/AP

    In a historic move, the Environmental Protection Agency will propose limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, according to the New York Times. If implemented, it would be the first time that the federal government has restricted carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal and gas-fired power plants, which produce 25 percent of the United States’ planet-warming pollution. Under the plan, virtually all power plants would capture or cut almost all of their carbon emissions by 2040.

    The Times‘ Coral Davenport and Lisa Friedman write: 

    The proposed rule is sure to face opposition from the fossil fuel industry, power plant operators and their allies in Congress. It is likely to draw an immediate legal challenge from a group of Republican attorneys general that has already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies. A future administration could also weaken the regulation.

    The regulation, proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency, is being reviewed by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, and could still be adjusted.

    Maria Michalos, an E.P.A. spokeswoman, said the agency is “moving urgently to advance standards that protect people and the planet, building on the momentum from President Biden’s Investing in America economic agenda, including proposals to address carbon emissions from new and existing power plants.”

    It would not mandate the use of carbon capture equipment, a nascent and expensive technology; rather, it would set caps on pollution rates that plant operators would have to meet. They could do that by using a different technology or, in the case of gas plants, switching to a fuel source like green hydrogen, which does not emit carbon, according to the people familiar with the matter. But the regulation could lead to the broader adoption of carbon capture technology, the people said.

    Read the entire New York Times piece here

  • Celebs Don’t Want to Pay for a Blue Check Mark on Twitter. Musk Fanboys Are Mad About It.

    Evan Vucci/AP

    Twitter’s blue check marks used to verify the identities of celebrities, public figures, and members of the media. Now, all it verifies is that you’ve got $8 to spend every month. On Thursday, CEO Elon Musk finally fulfilled his promise of stripping every legacy account, from Beyoncé to the pope, of their check marks. Now, only subscribers willing to shell out for Musk’s brainchild, Twitter Blue, are allowed to be verified on the platform. And, predictably, no one really cared…at least not enough to pay for Twitter Blue. 

    Actresses Alyssa Milano and Bette Midler both took Twitter to explain why they’re not bothering with Musk’s subscription. Other popular Twitter users, like @dril, have started a campaign called #BlocktheBlue, vowing to block any and all Twitter blue subscribers they come across. 

    In a weird turn of events, celebrities like LeBron James and Stephen King, who both publicly announced their refusal to join Twitter Blue, were some of the few who still had their blue checks. According to Musk, he’s paying for their subscriptions. On Thursday, while responding to King’s tweet questioning his verification, Musk responded, “You’re welcome namaste.” He later clarified that he’s paying for King, James, and actor William Shatner to be verified. 

    King was less than enthused:

    At the same time, Elon’s loyal following of right-wingers and shitposters have embraced Twitter Blue with open arms. But they’re not happy that others have not: Several of Musk fans and far-right public figures have tweeted at and about celebrities to complain about their refusal to fork over money for Twitter Blue.

    Take, for example, the Professionally Mad Online account of Catturd:

    On the bright side, Twitter Blue is currently running a sale on blue check marks. $7 a month. What a steal. 

  • Dominion and Fox News Settle Lawsuit

    Mark Lennihan/AP

    The much anticipated $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, widely viewed as one of the most consequential libel cases in decades, is officially over. On Tuesday, Dominion Voting Systems and the cable TV giant reached an eleventh-hour agreement. The details of the settlement are not yet public. News of the deal comes moments after a jury was selected in the trial.

    Dominion had claimed reckless promotion of Donald Trump’s election lies caused the company to lose contracts and exposed vulnerable employees to vicious harassment campaigns.

    Sparing the network weeks of public testimony by its top personalities and leadership, Fox News is likely to welcome the last-minute deal. But much of the reputational damage has already taken place. Numerous filings leading up to the trial revealed that some of Fox News’ most visible stars like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham had promoted Donald Trump’s election lies despite privately expressing significant doubt over them. In one bombshell filing that included text exchanges between Tucker Carlson and a colleague, Carlson even fumed over hating Trump “passionately.”

    This is a breaking news development. We’ll update as more news becomes available.

  • A Black Teen Rang the Wrong Doorbell. A White Homeowner Shot Him.

    Susan Pfannmuller/The Kansas City Star/AP

    6:00 p.m. CDT: Andrew Lester, 84, will be charged with assault in the first degree and armed criminal action, both felonies, a Clay County prosecutor said. Ralph Yarl has been released from the hospital, according to his family.

    Ralph Yarl, a Black 16-year-old, rang the doorbell of the wrong house when he went to pick up his younger brothers from a playdate in Kansas City last week, according to his family. A white man in his 80s came to the door and shot him, according to reporting from CNN.

    Yarl was shot twice, including once in the head, but is in stable condition, according to his family. The shooter, who has not been publicly identified, has been released from police custody and is under investigation. He has not been charged. Police Chief Stacey Graves told the Kansas City Star that police need a formal victim statement before they can arrest someone. Yarl has been unable to give a statement because of his injuries. Police confirmed that Yarl was supposed to pick his brothers up from a house on 115th Terrace. Instead, he went to 115th Street.

    Hundreds of protesters marched in Kansas City over the weekend to draw attention to the outlandishly excessive response to a simple error.

    In Missouri, where the shooting took place, Castle Doctrine gives homeowners wide latitude to use lethal force when they fear for their safety. The state’s “stand your ground” law, passed in 2016, could also make charging the homeowner complicated. While it’s perplexing why this lost teenager would instill such fear in an armed homeowner, studies have shown that both police and civilians are much likelier to fire at Black people than white people, even when they’re unarmed.

    A GoFundMe for Yarl’s recovery has raised more than $1.4 million. “I don’t want anything special,” Yarl’s father told the Kansas City Star. “I just want justice.”

    This story has been updated.

  • California Supreme Court to Tesla: Stop Being Racist

    Mother Jones; GDA/AP

    After Black workers at a Tesla plant in Fremont, California, came forward with explosive allegations of racism at the company last year, the state Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a major ruling in the case, allowing the workers to seek a public injunction requiring the company to acknowledge and address workplace discrimination. In other words, the electric car manufacturer could be legally required to stop being racist.

    This decision is a major blow to Tesla, which has denied fostering a racist working environment. The decision comes one week after the company was ordered to pay more than $3 million to a Black Tesla worker who said that the company failed to prevent racist harassment, including the repeated use of racial slurs, from workers at Tesla’s flagship plant.

    Tesla’s recent spate of bad PR isn’t limited to its apparent workplace racism. Last week, Reuters published a bombshell report alleging that Tesla workers obtained and shared intimate footage recorded in drivers’ cars, raising serious concerns about privacy inside these computers on wheels. On top of that, Tesla is under investigation by multiple state and federal agencies over the safety and marketing of Autopilot, its self-driving software. That leaves Tesla founder Elon Musk with a lot of messes to clean up—and that’s not even counting the fiasco over at Twitter.

  • I Have Some Questions Now That Harry Is Going to Dad’s Big Boy Party

    Matt Dunham/AP

    The burning question over whether Prince Harry will attend his father’s big boy party has finally been answered: Yes. Yes, he will.

    “Buckingham Palace is pleased to confirm that the Duke of Sussex will attend the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey on 6 May,” an official statement proclaimed Wednesday. “The Duchess of Sussex will remain in California with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.”

    For some, the news ends months of feverish speculation over whether Harry would accept the palace’s invitation to join the festivities, which will include three entire days dedicated to fêting Kaiser Wilhelm’s and Tsar Nicholas II’s distant cousin, Charles Philip Arthur George, as he formally ascends to the throne.

    But for me, relief has not come. In fact, dire questions abound. Here’s a sampling:

    1. Why is Harry leaving Meghan and the kids behind? We can all assume, with reasonable accuracy, why Meghan would decline the opportunity to mingle with family members the duchess previously claimed have driven her to suicidal loneliness. Who in their right mind would leap at the chance to hang out with people all but certain to gawk at your kids’ skin color? But did the decision come from Monetico?
    2. Or did Daddy instruct his estranged son to leave Meghan and their two children behind?
    3. Does Meghan feel abandoned—or does she believe that the decision is the most drama-free?
    4. Will Harry play a larger role in the events than Prince Andrew, who is reportedly fuming over Charles’ decision to bar him from wearing a gargantuan, ceremonial velvet robe to the family clambake?
    5. How does the 4-year-old, who may not get to attend the big day because of his “past antics,” feel about all of this?

    My most unhinged, conspiratorial guess is that Meghan and the president of the United States, who is also skipping the king’s coronation, are collaborating on an “anti-British” scheme that will bring delicious chaos to feed a Spare sequel. Whatever the case, I, your Burn-Down-the-Monarchy correspondent, will be sure to keep tracking the developments of Charles’ big boy party.

  • Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Overturns 1931 Abortion Ban

    Carlos Osorio/AP

    Michigan enshrined abortion rights in the state constitution last November, but a 1931 abortion ban remained on the books.

    On Wednesday, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a law repealing that abortion ban, ensuring that Michigan’s laws align with its constitution and solidifying the right to an abortion in the state. Whitmer struck down three laws: one that banned abortion except when necessary to save the life of a woman, and another that made it illegal to advertise abortion drugs. She also signed a law striking abortion-related felonies from the state’s penal code.

    In November, nearly 57 percent of Michigan voters approved an amendment to the state constitution that ensured the right to “reproductive freedom,” defined as “the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.” That vote made the 1931 law unenforceable.

    Whitmer’s repeal of the “zombie law” was a symbolic act and a display of Democrats’ newfound power in Michigan, where they have held a trifecta in state government since November.

    “Today, we’re going to take action to ensure that our statutes, our laws reflect our values and our constitution,” Whitmer said before signing the laws. “I am about to slay three zombies with one pen.”

  • Tennessee House Republicans Move to Expel Three Members for Gun Control Protest

    Seth Herald/Getty Images

    A little over a week after a devastating shooting at a Nashville grade school, the Tennessee House of Representatives, in a historically rare move, took the first steps to expel three Democratic members for participating in a gun control protest. On Monday, Republican lawmakers filed resolutions to remove Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson, alleging that the three participated in “disorderly behavior.” 

    On March 27, a shooter armed with an AR-15 killed six people at The Covenant School, including three nine-year-olds. Only days later, hundreds of demonstrators took to the state Capitol to plead with the Republican-led legislature to pass more gun reform measures. Johnson, Jones, and Pearson led the charge. After the demonstration, House Speaker Cameron Sexton vowed that the representatives would face “consequences,” comparing their actions to the insurrection on January 6.

    “You show me the broken windows, you show me anyone who went into the speaker’s office and put their chair up on his desk and trashed his office,” Rep. John Ray Clemmons responded to WPLN “you show me where a noose was hanging anywhere on the legislative plaza.”

    This is an unusual move for Tennessee’s House. According to CBS news, lawmakers have only expelled two other House members since the Civil War.

    The House will now decide on whether or not to remove the three representatives. The vote is slated for Thursday at the earliest. The legislators have also been stripped of their committee assignments.

  • Why Is Lauren Boebert Trolling Her Own Bill?

    Gary Kramer/US Fish and Wildlife Service/AP/File

    Last week, a bill introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) received a hearing.

    For some congresspeople, this would not be news. For Boebert it is: In her first term, she sponsored 41 pieces of legislation—one set out to impeach President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris; another to require the Department of Homeland Security to treat fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction; a third to prohibit the use of federal funds to research youth gender transitions—and none warranted a hearing.

    This turned out to be a problem. Despite being predicted to comfortably win reelection, Boebert prevailed over her Democratic opponent by less than a percentage point. Voters in her district told me the reason was simple: “I don’t think she did shit,” one constituent explained. “She didn’t back one bill, she just talked a lot.”

    Now, it seems Boebert has taken that message to heart. In proposing to remove the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act, she has taken aim at a serious, complex issue in her home state.

    In 2020, Coloradans narrowly voted to allow the reintroduction of gray wolves, which had been hunted out of their natural range in the 1940s. Environmentalists say that wolves are an important part of ecosystems, allowing aspens and willows to thrive by mediating the elk population that feeds on them. Because wolves are protected by the Endangered Species Act, it is illegal to kill them—except in the Northern Rocky Mountains, which encompasses Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, because those states have already successfully restored their gray wolf populations. (Endangered species can be killed in self-defense.) Wolves have not yet been officially reintroduced by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Still, some packs have migrated into the state from Wyoming. These wolves occasionally kill cattle, frustrating ranchers, who view the reintroduction of wolves as harmful and say that the state’s city-dwellers don’t know what it’s like to have their livelihood threatened by carnivorous animals. By removing wolves from the ESA, Boebert wants to allow Colorado ranchers to shoot wolves.

    This seems exactly the type of issue that Boebert, a congresswoman from a rural district, would be sent to Congress to solve. But what might look like Boebert listening to her constituents and doing something to help them could backfire: Her arguments have been so error-ridden and nonsensical that they could hurt her cause.

    First, the name. Boebert titled her bill the Trust the Science Act, “the science” being that the wolf population has recovered. This is only half true. In a press release announcing the bill, the words “scientific fact” link to a letter from wildlife management professionals saying that the wolf population has recovered—in the western Great Lakes states. This is hardly evidence that the gray wolf is, in Boebert’s words, “fully recovered.”

    Ever the shitposter, Boebert began her hearing by holding up photos of aborted fetuses, the kind that adorn anti-choice billboards by the side of the highway. “Since we’re talking about the Endangered Species Act, I’m just wondering if my colleagues on the other side would put babies on the endangered species list,” she said. “These babies were born in Washington, D.C., full-term. I don’t know, maybe that’s a way we can save some children here in the United States.”  As many people have pointed out, the human population is well-established across six continents.

    It begs the question: Why is Boebert seemingly trolling her own bill?

    There is plenty to debate here. There are ways to regulate the wolf population without giving hunters carte blanche to kill them. One controversial proposed federal rule would keep wolves on the endangered species list but allow ranchers to shoot wolves on-sight if they are regularly killing their cattle. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is supposed to reimburse ranchers for livestock killed by wolves, but some ranchers have complained that they haven’t received the money. Ensuring prompt payments could be one solution. Hazing wolves with fladry—a flag-lined fence that flaps loudly in the breeze—is a short-term fix.

    Then there is a potential to do nothing. Wolves account for a small percentage of livestock deaths. Ranchers, under this argument, would just have to learn to live with them, as they’ve done with other predators like mountain lions and coyotes.

    All of that seems worth talking about in the halls of Congress. It could even help pass legislation. Or, as Boebert’s constituent put it, it could be considered doing shit.

  • This Is No Time to Celebrate. The System Is About to Be Tested Like Never Before.

    Evan Vucci/AP

    This evening, when the historic news broke that a Manhattan grand jury had voted to indict the former president (and leading GOP 2024 contender) Donald Trump in a hush-money scandal, our Washington, DC, bureau chief, David Corn, quickly sat down to issue this video warning: This is no time to celebrate; we are at a dangerous and uncertain moment.

    “There’s going to be a lot of information, misinformation, and maybe some disinformation out there in the tsunami of response and reaction,” Corn says. “And I don’t think people should be celebratory of this: It’s a sad day if a presidential candidate… is accused of a crime.”

    Corn says now is the time to respect the rule of law, as the legal system is about to encounter an unprecedented test from a man capable of unleashing extreme chaos. “It will be very, very ugly, and I think in the midst of all that, what we need to remember is he is presumed innocent, and that is a good thing,” Corn remarks. “We have to say, ‘This is an indictment. We will let the system work.’”