Iraq vet Troy Turner and his wife, Michelle Turner. This very moving story in Sunday’s Washington Post described the life of Mrs. Turner, watching the slow decline of her husband from PTSD, after his return from the war. She has had to quit her job to look after him and shuttle him in and out of hospitals (all far away from home in Virginia). This has come at the cost of her health, the ability to parent their two kids and, worst of all, any hope of ending the nightmare that has become her life. PTSD, unlike physical injuries, is denigrated in the service. Sufferers do so silently, until the toll on themselves and their families makes it unavoidable. In treatment for what they did to these men and women and their families, the Pentagon is once again AWOL. Troy is low functioning, delusional at times, extremely violent, and depressed. Riding to the hospital, his mind returns to Baghdad, imagining cars as loaded with explosives about to detonate.
That we support these troops is more baloney from the meat-packer-in-chief.