My second stage treatment for multiple myeloma starts in earnest on Monday. I’ll be at City of Hope the entire week while they collect stem cells and then process and freeze them. Then I have a week off, and then on April 20 I go back for the second stage chemo. That will last three weeks.
Which is to say that I’ll be more or less away from blogging for the next six weeks or so. But don’t worry! MoJo will keep things going with regular posts from staff members and periodic guest posts from all the bloggers who have been part of the linkfests back and forth with me over the years. It should be fun.
As far as I know, I’ll have the technical capability to blog during this entire period. So I’ll probably pop in now and again when I have something to say and the energy to say it with. With any luck, I’ll be back completely by June. See you on the other side.